Monday, August 15, 2016

My Classroom Library

My most favorite part of my classroom is always my classroom library. A classroom library should be inviting and FUN, but above all, purposeful. Pinterest is great, but lets face it, how many times have we tried something so completely unrealistic only to end up with something that is definitely not worth posting, and a box of supplies that we will never use again? My library is 4 years in the making, and it is the one thing in my classroom that I feel will ALWAYS be a work in progress. So do not stress. Do what works for you. Even if that does not involve hand stitching a circus tent or forming a tree trunk out of paper mache.

Now for the tour...

Display shelf
This is where I display books based on the unit we are studying. They are switched out every 3 weeks when we start a new unit.
AR Books

This is a great project to assign to your room parent, kind volunteer, PTA, passerby, anyone with a pulse, etc. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has consumed more of my time than leveling and labeling books. Nothing.
The buckets on this shelf are reserved for readers that have AR (Accelerated Reader) quizzes available online. My school participates in AR and has school-wide contests and incentives to get students to read. They love it, but this can be tricky to manage at such a young age.

To make things easier, I first find the book's level. I write the book's level on either a blue or red dot sticker. (Students know that blue dots mean the book is in English, and red dots mean the book is in Spanish.) I like to use the Accelerated Reader app, or type in the book title on their website. The following apps are also great to help with this:
Scholastic Book Wizard
Accelerated Reader
Then, I write the quiz number on the back of the book in Sharpie. This has saved me so many headaches. It is SO much easier for kinders to type the book's number instead of typing the entire title of a book.
I also stick a star sticker next to the book's level. The star signifies that the book they have chosen has a quiz available. In the event that my books do not get put back in the right bin (hard to believe, I know) the kids will still know that book has a quiz. I teach English language arts in the morning, while my partner teacher does the Spanish, so all of my bins on this shelf are blue (English). Kids choose a few on their level for their book bag during read-to-self.

The rest of my picture books are organized in white baskets. Here, they are organized by category. Those baskets may contain Spanish and English books, and books also labeled as AR quiz books.
My last and final tip: the clip system! Every student in my class is assigned a number at the beginning of the year. I use this number to label everything that is theirs, so they learn it pretty quickly.
When picking a book, students grab the clip with their number on it and clip it to the basket they have grabbed their book from. When they are done reading their book, they find the basket with their clip and place the book back. This also helps remind them to only have one book out at a time.

I would love to see your library and what you do to keep it organized!

Hasta la proxima,
Miss Torres

Friday, August 5, 2016

The Printer That Changed My Life!!!

Do you print at home? Most of us (even if we do have resources at our school) end up having to print forms, lesson plans, last minute homework, and lets not forget...those things that we just need to print in COLOR.

HP is here to save us all. Literally, I have only been using the program for a couple of months and cannot get over about all the money that I have SAVED!

HP Instant Ink is a monthly printing program that tracks your printing wirelessly. You choose a plan that fits you depending on the number of pages that you normally print, and then let the fun begin! The best part? When you run out of ink, they send you more...FOR FREE! I will give you a moment to let that sink in.

I personally, am enrolled in the $9.99 plan. I can print 300 pages every month, using as much ink as I need, AND if I have any extra pages, they rollover!
I printed 3 months worth of centers with my plan last month!
Check if your printer is eligible:

  • HP DeskJet 3630 series
  • HP ENVY 4500 Series
  • HP ENVY 4520 series
  • HP ENVY 5530 Series
  • HP ENVY 5540 series
  • HP ENVY 5660 Series
  • HP ENVY 7640 Series
  • HP ENVY 8000 series
  • HP OfficeJet 3830 series
  • HP Officejet 4630 Series
  • HP OfficeJet 4650 series
  • HP Officejet 5740 Series
  • HP Officejet 8040 Series with Neat®
  • HP Officejet Pro 6830 Series
  • HP Officejet Pro 8610 Series
  • HP Officejet Pro 8620 Series
  • HP Officejet Pro 8630 Series
  • HP Officejet Pro 8710 Series
  • HP Officejet Pro 8720 Series
  • HP Officejet Pro 8730 Series
  • HP Officejet Pro 8740 Series

  • My gift to you! Use this link when signing up, for a FREE month of HP Instant Ink!

    (Please note: I am not affiliated with HP, these are my honest thoughts!)

    Hasta la promixima,
    Miss Torres

    Monday, August 1, 2016

    S.T.E.M Center-Can you build this?

    I have been wanting to incorporate more S.T.E.M. activities into my classroom and this is the perfect way of doing just that! I love watching my little engineers problem solve while attempting to build the monument or bridge from the task card-they get so into it!

    You can find these picture cards on my TPT store here.

    28 cards total. 14 full-color picture cards, each with a matching facts card.

    I have seen some teachers place things like this in binders, and keep them in the center all year long. Others laminate the picture cards and place them in a tray or on rings at a center. I like to place one card out every week at my block center. This way, it keeps the excitement going year-round, and keeps those arguments on what the team is building, to a minimum! 

    My new addition this year that I am so excited about, is the Architetrix Constructor Set that I picked at Lakeshore Learning last week. I can't wait to watch my students design their bridges with these. This is a great product to work on those fine motor skills and would also be perfect to use in math or math center when building 3D shapes! (Replacing those sticky marshmallows and toothpicks.)

    I love setting out graph paper, notepads, or even just notebook paper for my kids to "plan" their designs. Keep them writing!
    Do you think my kids will be better at this than I am? ; )

    How do you S.T.E.M. in your classroom? Comment below!

    Hasta la proxima,
    Miss Torres